Saturday, November 8, 2008


Bringers of good news, these doves each carry a trinket, symbolic of the coming Christmas season. 


Anonymous said...

I think I would like this more if it didn't have that weird gradation, otherwise I think it looks great. I love how simple the doves look and how they're carrying symbols of Christmas. Did you paint or this? I know the gradation is Photoshop, haha! =P oh, and how did you do the swirls? Don't tell me you sat there and drew every swirl, but knowing you I could see you doing that. =P

Anonymous said...

After looking at this piece, the gradation is kind of symbolic in its own way, too - was that intentional? But again, I think it would've been better w/o the graduation, I love how the biggest dove just pops and the others don't. Also, instead of graduating it to white, why not green? oh, wait, then again, green and red make a poopy yucky color, so never mind. =\

It's late, I'm sorry for my endless ramblings, I needed happiness and cheering up, so I came here.